There is No Planet B

8 July 2023

There is No Planet B

At Threadfast, we believe that sustainability is a journey, not a destination.
We are committed to making conscious choices that prioritize the longevity of the garments we make. Our goal is to create your “top-of-the-pile” garment – a product that gets more wear-hours.There’s a lot of momentum building around sustainability and we’re proud to be a part of it. One of our central focuses is, on using materials that are more sustainable. We understand that we still have a lot of work ahead of us, but our journey is underway, and is beginning to produce tangible results. Join us on your journey and cast your vote for Planet Earth.
Remember, there is no Planet B.

This statement makes the choice to use Mobile Light Box as the Threadfast Exhibit System obvious, since the Aluminum frame is 100% recyclable, Our polyester banners are of recycled ocean plastics, printed with water based dye sublimation inks. 

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